Compliance & Co. at METRO Advertising

Compliance is not just a buzzword for METRO Advertising, but an important part of our daily work. We organize procurement with professional claim according to the highest standards.

Especially in terms of compliance, there is no compromise for METRO Advertising. Anchoring integrity in all facets is not just one among many endeavors, but increasingly a fundamental requirement for sustainable economic success.

The following is METRO Advertising's Compliance Officer:

Ms. Bahraoui is responsible for all compliance related issues.

Whistleblower channel

There is also a whistleblower hotline for all service companies of METRO AG. This whistleblower channel enables the reporting of illegal or unethical actions if other communication channels have proven to be less effective or inappropriate. For reports regarding alleged suspicious cases, the whistleblower channel of METRO AG is listed here:

Reports of violations can be made in person, by telephone, via mail or even by letter to the company's local reporting office. If whistleblowers do not feel comfortable raising concerns locally, an (anonymous) report can be submitted via the Group-wide Compliance Reporting System. The Compliance Reporting System can be accessed both internally and externally via the link below: Whistleblower system

Further information on compliance-relevant topics of METRO AG can also be found under the following link:
